Thursday, April 11, 2013

Asylum versus Insanity - The Final Analysis

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been doing Asylum instead of Insanity as the lead up to our West Virginia mudder, and I just finished, so I thought I would give a few of my final thoughts.

1.  I am worried about my cardio, but I feel great about my strength.  There is some cardio in Asylum, but nowhere near as much as in Insanity.  Since I haven't really been able to run due to my travel schedule, I am a little worried about how that will impact me next weekend.
2.  The Gameday video of Asylum is NO JOKE.  That is a very hard 60 minutes of working out, and the last two times you have to do the Overtime video as well.  Those were, by far, the two most grueling days of the entire 30.  For me, the hardest part of that workout was the Mountain Climbing sections, but the swimming and speed skating were pretty tough too.
3.  You need more room to do Asylum, and I felt cramped at times.  I feel like I would have done better with this outdoors since I would have been able to do all of the jump rope work and I wouldn't have had to worry about accidentally bumping my head on the wall by over-jumping and falling.
4.  I'm still not a huge fan of all of the equipment that you need.  As a bit of a minimalist, I really liked that I could do Insanity without anything other than a comfortable pair of shoes and a space for jumping up and down.  Asylum requires ladders, weights, resistance bands, pull-up bars, and jump ropes if you do everything.  Luckily, Shawn T offers alternatives if you don't have some of these things or space to use them, but you don't get as good a workout without them.
5.  I guess the "proof is in the pudding" (as they say).  I'll know for sure how effective Asylum is if I get to WV and can't get my wind.  There's a 30-day, hybrid Asylum/Insanity workout calendar that is absolutely bonkers.  In essence, you're doing an Insanity workout each day on top of an Asylum workout each day.  I may try that next, if I need to improve my cardio, but I'm not sure I have it in me to do Insanity and Asylum at the same time.


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