Saturday, April 27, 2013

How Important is Having Fun?

This is just going to be a quick post, but I wanted to put up something about a thought I've been having lately.  One of the main things I've come to realize from this adventure is that I'm having a huge amount of fun.  That may not be the case for Danny or Brian, but I can honestly say that I'm having a blast...and not just with the events themselves.  Running in a Tough Mudder isn't exactly a barrel of laughs, but they can have moments of humor and lightness. Likewise, each day's workout can't really be thought of as fun, but the overall journey has been a really fun process.  But, if I'm honest, the main reason for me having so much fun is because of Danny and Brian.  Those are two funny, funny dudes - and they keep me laughing whenever we're together. 

I think that's a key element of success: having fun.  I know that each of us is passionate about different things, but the one thing that ties our passions together is the fact that we have fun doing them.  But is "fun" necessary or is it a byproduct?  This is important for education, in particular, because there is a huge argument about whether it's appropriate for us to use educational resources that seem to be focused on having fun (for example, ask a teacher what they think about "games" in their classrooms and you'll get a huge variety of thoughts).  If "fun" is necessary to build passion, then it's absolutely essential that we us things like games in schools, but if "fun" is a byproduct of our passions, then it wouldn't make a difference to use games (except for people who are already passionate about games, that is).  I don't pretend to have the answer, but it is a thought worth exploring.


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