Monday, April 15, 2013

Catching a Gazelle: T-Minus 5 Days

5.  Will this be the race that DC and I catch the Gazelle?

Patrick has somehow earned the nickname of "Gazelle" during these races.  He is almost always out in front of us leading the way.  He seems to effortless move through the course.  It really starts to drive you crazy after a while.  Initially he was a good 10 minutes or more ahead of me.  This gap has been closing with each race that we run.  DC now do a good job of keeping him right in front of us.  I posted during my "Mudder Resolutions" that I will catch him at some point on a course.   Since we have crossed off qualifying for WTM I thought this was good goal to focus on.  Will Mid-Atlantic be the race that we finally catch the gazelle?  Stay tuned to find out.


  1. I'm still not sure I like the Gazelle nickname (especially considering the fact that this would make you guys the lions). Having said that, I'm not sure I was ever actually 10 minutes ahead of you, with the exception of March of Death in Wintergreen.


  2. That March of Death - god times all around
