Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Dreaded Rings: T-Minus 4 Days

4.  Will this be the race that DC conquers the dreaded rings?

"Hangin Tough" is one of the more difficult obstacles to complete on the course.  Patrick seem to effortless flow through the rings as only a Gazelle could.  On the other hand I have adopted a very awkward, clunky two hand approach which is effective but far from effortless.  You can see both approaches in the video below.

This obstacle remains the nemesis of DC.  He has attacked it with both the Gazelle and two-handed approach.  He has also hatched a plan to create an easy-bake oven recipe for creating homemade rings.  I know he has this obstacle square in his sights.  Will this be the race that DC conquers the dreaded rings?  Stay tuned to find out.

1 comment:

  1. check out the 'end of three fitness' website. there is a great DIY rings project.
